
Ambulance Service Oversight Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Ambulance Service Oversight Committee - February 9, 2018 Minutes

Present: Health Officer John Baird, Fire Department Tim Binfet, Essentia Health Vicky Black, Sanford Health Jeff Hoss, Veterans Hospital Julianna Lindgren, Mayor Timothy J. Mahoney; and Director of Fargo Cass Public Health Ruth Roman
Absent: FM Ambulance Medical Director - Sanford ER Heidi Lako-Adamson and Chief of Police David Todd
Other: F-M Ambulance Rick Cameron, F-M Ambulance Jason Eblen, and F-M Ambulance Chad Mickelson

Ruth Roman called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Rick Cameron invited everyone to save a life Saturday at West Acres Mall. Discussed incorporating this training into the role of public health, Tim Binfet described the program and how it encourages bystanders to help until help arrives. Dr. Baird and Ruth Roman talked about attending a four-day complex coordinated terrorist attack training held by FEMA in Fargo the last four days and how there were lots of lessons learned.

Approval of November 3, 2017 minutes: Dr. Baird moved to approve the minutes, Jeff Hoss seconded and motion passed.

Data Review, Response Time, and Transport Destination: Jason Eblen indicated reporting changes that now match the hospital coding. Discussed increase in total volume but transport percent is going down about 68 percent, can a couple hundred cancelled calls tie into anything, decreased volume because of implementation of suicide protocol, North Dakota mental health crisis unit response team, getting clients to appropriate destination and services they need. Need six months to figure out why that is happening. Talked about everything that they use is submitted to state depository. Tim asked if they ever look at Red River Dispatch time. They are looking at that for their own purpose. In the EMS world, there are so many facilities models. Secondary and third level is 8.59 seconds and they shave a minute off.

Other Updates: Discussion about the FEMA active shooters response exercise. Mayor Mahoney talked about tourniquet training in the schools. Jeff felt they could canvas the city and teach about tourniquets. Ruth also discussed bystanders as doing help until help arrives training. SWAT team carries quick clot and ballistic vests. Dr. Baird felt they made a scenario to stress us and the preexisting relationships we have here is not what they see around the country.

Next Meeting Date: May 11, 2018