
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Administration Heroo

Accomplishments and Initiatives

Year-One Accomplishments

• Built relationships and formed partnerships with organizations and stakeholders in The City of Fargo.
• Conducted environmental scan of internal and external employees.
• Implemented name change from “Human Relations Commission” to “Human Rights Commission,” along with the creation of a mission statement.
• Facilitated a gathering of Fargo’s Liberian community to meet, greet and to get to know its leaders in their perspective communities. The gathering allowed community members to engage in dialogue with Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo leaders and elected officials.
• Served on hiring selection committees for The City of Fargo's Director of Facilities Management, Director of Inspections, Director of Finance and was instrumental in the creation of the Fargo Police Advisory & Oversight Board.
• Engaged in dialogue and media conversations in regards to educating citizens on the purpose and meaning of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and what it involves.
• Connected New Americans with Amazon and the United Way to provide information about workforce and job development opportunities.
• Participated in DEI social issue panels and educating similar audiences.
• Facilitated questions on the Election & Governance Task Force statement interest form.

Ongoing Initiatives

• Conduct community-wide climate assessment tool with the goal of establishing the current state of diversity, equity and inclusion within the Fargo community and identify any existing gaps, barriers or inequities.
• Serve in collaboration with the Department of Communications & Governmental Affairs as a point of contact for the media for programs and initiative regarding matters of diversity, equity and inclusion.
• Increase awareness and support of The City of Fargo’s plans and initiatives for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
• Collaborate with existing commissions, including the Human Rights Commission and The Fargo Youth Initiative.
• Develop meaningful connections with leaders of Fargo’s African community.
• Present diversity messaging to local organizations, cultural groups and higher-education institutions with a focus on student retention.
• Help facilitate RACE exhibit in Fargo City Hall.
• Conduct policy review
• Launch climate assessment for the external facing departments and The City of Fargo.
• Develop Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan
• Organize professional development training for all City staff, starting with internal departments on issues related to:
— Anti-bias training programs
— Race/Ethnicity
— Sexual Harassment
— Gender
— Differently abled individuals, including those with mental/cognitive and physical health disabilities
— Issues surrounding ageism and racism