The Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Fargo for its annual comprehensive financial report for fiscal year 2023. The certificate is the highest form of recognition in the areas of governmental accounting and financial reporting and this is the 26th consecutive year the City has received the award. Year-end reporting is led by Finance Manager Wyatt Papenfuss and is a full year team effort. Congratulations to the Finance team.
The annual Northern Narratives 2025 writing project is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction and nonfiction writing through March 31.
A Romance Roundtable event highlighting the romance JonRa will be February 11 at 6 p.m. at the Carlson Library. The event will feature discussion about all things romance and will also include trivia and prizes.
As we embark on another year of excellence, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to continue to grow with intention and a commitment to efficiency. Together, we’re shaping Fargo’s future.