
Know Your Neighborhood

Know Your Neighborhood Hero

Junk, Trash & Building Materials

argo city ordinances prohibit storing and accumulating junk. Trash, rubbish, parts of machinery or motor vehicles, unused furniture, stoves, refrigerators or other appliances, remnants of wood, metal, or castoff material of any kind are all considered to be junk if they are piling up in a yard.

Consequences: The property owner will be notified of the violation by mail and given a deadline to correct the situation. If the junk is not cleared away by the deadline, an action may be brought in Municipal Court.

If you are concerned with accumulations of junk or junk vehicles in your neighborhood, please call the Inspections Department at 701.241.1561 or send an email. The department will send an inspector to evaluate the problem.

In addition, a pile of junk makes an attractive place for mice, rats and other vermin to live and breed. If you see rodents or insects making their homes in such a pile, you may also contact the Environmental Health Division of Fargo Cass Public Health at 701.476.6729.

Garbage Disposal

Fargo has established garbage disposal rules for its residents and businesses. If someone is in violation of those rules and is a detriment to the neighborhood, contact the Solid Waste Department at 701.241.1449 to report your concern.

Illegal Dumping

If you see someone dumping oil, garbage or other materials, call the Environmental Health Division of Fargo Cass Public Health at 701.476.6729 to report it.