
Community Development Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Community Development Committee - October 15, 2019 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 15, 2019.

The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Jim Johnson, Linda Klebe, Michael Redlinger, John Gunkelman, Samantha McDonald, Sami Eidenschink (HBA FM), Melissa Rademacher (DCP)

Absent: Ken Enockson, Thomas Hill (United Way), Matthew Pike

Item 1. Welcome
Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda
Member Johnson moved to approve the Order of Agenda as presented. Second by Member Gunkelman. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3 was heard after Item 5.

Item 3. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 20, 2019
Member Johnson moved the minutes of the August 20, 2019 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Member Redlinger. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.

Item 5. CDBG/HOME Updates
a. 5-year Consolidated Plan kick-off
Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth presented an update on the status of the 5-year Consolidated Plan, noting that TDA has been hired as a consultant. Ms. Braseth shared an overview of the timeline for the next steps in the process.

Member Rademacher present.

Ms. Braseth stated that the consultants would be holding focus group meetings the first week of November regarding housing, residential, and economic development. She said they will be developing a community needs assessment, and provided an overview of the process for proposals and the upcoming process and plans.

b. 2019 Project Updates
Ms. Braseth gave an update on the following projects: a new building for Youthworks; the new accessible playground at Washington Elementary; finalizing a rehabilitation project that included kitchen upgrades at Frasier Hall; starting rehabilitation at the Gladys Ray Shelter; and acquiring two properties for Habitat for Humanity to develop. She noted that two affordable senior housing projects are in process.

Member Johnson thanked the Board for the efforts with the playground at Washington Elementary, and gave a background of how playgrounds are upgraded and funded.

Item 6. Staff Updates
a. 2020 City of Fargo Community Development Funds and Social Services Funds
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield provided a background of the past process for Community Development and Social Service Funds. She gave an overview of the proposed method the Planning Department will use this year, noting a memo was included in the meeting packet.

b. Core Neighborhoods Plan Update
Ms. Crutchfield stated thirteen applications were received, three were brought in for in-person interviews, and that CZB Consulting was selected. She highlighted reasons CZB was selected and shared that they will be forming steering committees during the process. She noted they will have an emphasis on how we approach the uniqueness of each neighborhood while still thinking about all of them as a whole.

Item 7. Announcements & Interests
a. Information on mobile home park changes
Chair Strand noted recent ownership changes occurred in some of the City’s mobile home parks, which could have an impact on families living in them.

Ms. Crutchfield noted that a tenant education meeting was held, at which time this issue was brought to the City’s awareness. She stated the new owners are seeking tenants to sign year-long lease agreements instead of being month-to-month, and a possible increase to rents.

Discussion was held on possible options the City has to address and assist with the issue.

Mayor Mahoney noted the City cannot mandate/monitor rent control as this is private ownership, so other options will need to be explored.

Ms. Crutchfield share that the land is in the City of Fargo, but tenant/landlord issues are private.

Inspections Administrator Bruce Taralson spoke on behalf of the Inspections Department, noting there is zoning for mobile home parks in the Land Development Code, but not building codes as they are classified as trailers under the Department of Transportation. He shared there are inspections conducted every six months and that mobile home parks are looked at as one property, and not individual owners.

Discussion continued noting that this is a complex issue. Addressed were main topics: where is the proper audience to have this discussion; reaching out to the housing authority and other community partners regarding options; private property and property rights; age of the mobile homes; and connecting with the property owners.

Dan Madler, Beyond Shelter, spoke about the complexity of this issue. He shared that this could be an affordability issue for the community and the importance of being strategic with planning to address the issue.

Further discussion was held on what the next steps for this conversation are, connecting with the City of West Fargo, and needing resources outside of the Planning Department to work on this.

Item 8. Other Business
No other business was heard.

Item 9. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:28 p.m.