
Community Development Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Community Development Committee - August 18, 2020 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 18, 2020.

The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Robin Nelson, Linda Klebe, Michael Redlinger, John Gunkelman, Matthew Pike, Samantha McDonald, Ken Enockson, Thomas Hill (United Way), Melissa Brandt (DCP)

Absent: Mark Puppe (HBA FM)

Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 1. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Member McDonald moved the Order of Agenda and the minutes of the February 18, 2020 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Member Hill. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.

Member Mahoney present.

Item 3. Commissioner Items
a. Lashkowitz High Rise Update – Member Pike, FHRA
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield provided a brief introduction to the update.

Member Pike present.

Member Pike stated the Request for Proposals (RFP) has been sent out, and it is a 90-day schedule with a mid-November deadline seeking a developer for the property. He noted work is being done to relocate the tenants.

Member Klebe present.

Member Pike noted next steps is to develop evaluation criteria for the proposals, and partnering with the City and Community stakeholders to develop an evaluation team.

Ms. Crutchfield noted ongoing discussion on how the property works with the other properties on the block, and the RFP does include some of that analysis.

Member Enockson present.

Discussion continued regarding the RFP process, tenant protection vouchers, key dates for the process moving forward, and demolition versus rehabilitation options.

Item 4. Tax Incentive Finance (TIF) Boundary Expansion Proposal Update
Ms. Crutchfield provided an overview regarding the discussion of the proposed TIF Boundary Expansion discussed at the last Community Development Committee meeting. She noted that a decision was made to not change the boundary based on discussion with the Community Development Committee and Neighborhood representatives.

She stated discussions are continuing on the overall policy with the Tax Exempt Review Committee and the City Commission.

Item 5. COVID-19 Impact on Community Development Efforts: Findings, Funding, and Planning Including HUD CDBG/HOME Programs, Mayor’s Social Service Fund, and State Department of Health Resources
Ms. Crutchfield gave an overview of the Red River Task Force for Cass/Clay County COVID-19 response. She provided an update on work that is being done to reach more in the community, provide clarity in the information going out, and working with shelters on their housing response during this time.

Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth stated additional information was provided to the Board of a COVID-19 Summary of Community Needs. She noted the list contains needs of many groups that work with the special needs and low-income populations in the City.

Ms. Braseth stated that homeless healthcare is an emerging issue as Family Healthcare had to close the Homeless Healthcare section of their building so it could be used as an isolated triage space for patients with COVID-19 symptoms.

Ms. Crutchfield noted there are many great things happening in our community, and the COVID-19 response has allowed many timelines to move faster with implementation for programs.

Ms. Braseth added that Food Banks have not been able to conduct food drives, supply chains have been interrupted, and additional expenses have been incurred.

Discussion was held regarding needs emerging with children going back to school, childcare, and childcare facility staffing shortages.

The Board discussed if any of the homeless facilities have seen positive cases, contact tracing testing, communication, possible solutions, and funding sources.

Ms. Braseth and Ms. Crutchfield stated concerns for the upcoming winter season and dealing with the cold weather, evictions, COVID-19, and the uncertainty of a stressed system.

Chair Strand questioned if a hotline existed for COVID-19 information. Ms. Crutchfield noted that FirstLink 211 is the number for citizens to reach out to for help or information. Member Hill noted that 211 is also the number to call for rental assistance.

Chair Strand expressed that he has worries about the unemployment issues.

Item 6. Community Development Projects Update – Presentation
Ms. Braseth gave a presentation highlighting Community Development projects in process and completed within the past year.

Member Pike provided a brief overview of Elliott Place, a senior rental housing project, and a background of the naming of the facility.

Discussion was held on updates of properties with the Cass Clay Community Land Trust.

Ms. Braseth additionally shared an update on public service projects completed and potential future projects.

Item 7. HUD Program Updates
Ms. Braseth stated the program updates are included in the staff report.

Item 8. Announcements
None provided.

Item 9. Staff Report
Ms. Crutchfield stated that the Core Neighborhoods Plan and the Land Development Code Diagnostic are both at pivotal points in the process, and additional information is available on the City of Fargo website.

Ms. Crutchfield added the HUD 5-year plan update will be coming before the Board shortly. She noted that the deadline date was extended to 2021 due to COVID-19.

Item 10. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:33 p.m.