
Community Development Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Community Development Committee - October 20, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held virtually in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 20, 2020.

The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Robin Nelson, Linda Klebe, Michael Redlinger, John Gunkelman, Matthew Pike, Samantha McDonald, Ken Enockson, Thomas Hill (United Way), Mark Puppe (HBA FM), Melissa Brandt (DCP)

Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 1. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Member Nelson moved the agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Brandt. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Member Hill moved the minutes of the August 18, 2020 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Member Gunkelman. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.

Item 3. HUD Program Updates – Presentation
a. 5-year Plan
Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth presented an overview of the 5-year plan update. She noted HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) has extended the submittal deadline and shared a tentative schedule.

Member Mahoney present.

b. 2020-2021 Notice of Funding Availability – HOME & CDBG Proposals
Ms. Braseth stated the Notice of Funding Availability period was recently held and provided an overview of the process, funding goals, and the proposals received.

c. Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) Submission
Ms. Braseth shared that we are currently in the public comment period and citizens can view the report on the City of Fargo website. She stated this report would be submitted on October 27.

d. CDBG-CV Additional Round of Funding
Ms. Braseth provided a review of the total funds received and the timeline for expenditure of the additional CDBG-CV funding received.

Discussion was held on ways the funding is planned to be used, needs for rental assistance, single-family home rehabilitation assistance, and ability to spend the extra funding.

Item 4. Engagement Center/Homeless COVID-19 Quarantine & Isolation Unit Update
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield highlighted current discussions happening, including the conversion of the former police department building into an isolation and quarantine center for the unsheltered that are COVID-19 positive.
Ms. Crutchfield shared a second issue is the upcoming winter weather and homeless sheltering capacity. She stated a major concern is staffing for the shelters.

Member Brandt extended her thanks for the work being put into the Engagement/Isolation Center.

Chair Strand inquired if COVID-19 Emergency funding was available to use for staffing. Ms. Crutchfield stated that conversations are happening and more coordination is needed.

Item 5. Master Plan Update
Ms. Crutchfield provided a progress overview on the Downtown InFocus Plan. She noted that this is year three of the adoption of the plan, and an evaluation and assessment will be conducted.

Member Brandt stated that she will be sharing the information once it is complied, and that work that is being done is positive.

Item 6. Land Development Code Diagnostic & Core Neighborhood Plan Update
Ms. Crutchfield shared that a virtual presentation on the Land Development Code Diagnostic will be held November 30, where three options for next steps will be introduced. She noted additional information on the process is available on the City of Fargo website. She provided an overview of the process and analysis.

She additionally stated that the Core Neighborhood Plan had a number of steering committees providing input, and that broader conversations will be happening in the upcoming months.

Discussion was held noting that the output has been positive and interesting, although there has been some disappointment due to neighborhood drop-off in participation. It was also noted there is anticipation of how the two studies will reflect on each other.

Item 7. Announcements
Members Pike and Nelson extended thanks to the Mayor for the Mayoral mandate on facemasks. Member Brandt stated she has received feedback of the mandate from Downtown businesses.

Member Mahoney stated the Governor’s Office has a Commission on Homelessness and would like to receive tips, suggestions, or recommendations for the City of Fargo to bring to the table to share.

Member Hill noted issues the United Way is seeing right now include having safe places for isolation/quarantine, and better ways to support distance learning.

Item 8. Staff Report
Ms. Crutchfield noted the staff report is included in the packet, and highlighted two research projects being worked on by staff regarding COVID-19 and Housing Ownership.

Chair Strand encouraged Members to contact staff with any topics to be discussed.

Item 9. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:36 p.m.