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Meeting: Police Advisory & Oversight Board Brown Bag Reflection Meeting
Date: 11.03.2022
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Sky Commons
The Reflection Meeting of the Police Advisory & Oversight Board of Fargo Police Department was held in the Former Commission Chambers at Sky Commons at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, November 3, 2022.

The Police Advisory & Oversight Board members present or absent were as follows:

Present: All members present

Item 1. Meeting was called to order at 1635

Item 2. Round table member perspective pertaining to the last 6 months.

Item 3. Discussion points
Communication amongst the board members and the public
How to have topics added to the agenda
Improving communication and education to and with the community.

Item 4. Education clarifying open records and open meetings laws

Item 5. Discussion pertaining to possible future community listening sessions

Item 6. Discussion pertaining to future development of by-laws

Item 7. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 6:23 p.m.

** Please Note**
No motions or votes occurred throughout this meeting
A discussion of the meeting will be recapped at the December meeting
Meeting minutes will also be presented to vote on at the next meeting