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adult vaccines
adult vaccines

Talk to your primary care provider to stay up-to-date on all recommended vaccines for your age, risk factors, and other indications. Follow the CDC's recommended immunization schedule to make sure you have the best protection.

19-26 Years

  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap)
    • 1 dose each pregnancy
    • 1 booster dose every 10 years
    • 1 dose for wound management (exposure to disease, usually tetatus)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
    • 3 doses if age 15 or older at initial vaccination
    • 1 additional dose if age 9-14 years at initial vaccination and received 1 dose or 2 doses less than 5 months apart

50-64 Years

  • Zoster recombinant (Shingles)

65+ Years

  • Pneumococcal (PCV15, PCV20, PPSV23)
    • 1 dose PCV15 followed by PPSV23 OR 1 dose PCV20