
Airport Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees


The Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. in the Airport Boardroom.

The members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind
Absent: None
Others: Bossart (via zoom), Strand (via zoom)
Chairman Lind presiding.

Approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority Held March 23, 2021:
Ms. Linn moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority held March 23, 2021.
Second by Mr. Engen.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Airport Vouchers Totaling $64,151.06:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the airport vouchers totaling $64,151.06.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Flint Communications:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $34,914.21 to Flint
Communications for partial payment request for 2021 Airport Marketing Program.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.
Regular Meeting Held April 13, 2021 Page No. 46

Approved the Indivdiual Voucher to TL Stroh Architects:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $3,696.00 to TL Stroh Architects for partial payment request for architectural services (construction administration services) in connection with the SRE Building Project.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Indivdiual Voucher to TL Stroh Architects:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $435.00 to TL Stroh Architects for partial payment request for architectural services in connection with the SRE Building Project.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Meinecke-Johnson:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $99,800.00 to Meinecke-Johnson for Partial Payment Request #10 for general construction of the SRE Building Project.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Northern Plains Mechanical:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $91,827.00 to Northern Plains Mechanical for Partial Payment Request #9 for mechanical construction of the SRE Building Project.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Foreign-Trade Zone Corporation:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $1,031.25 to ForeignTrade Zone Corporation for professional services provided for annual reports.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Presentation by Jon Heath, Hays Companies, on Behalf of the North Dakota Public Health Insurance Trust:
This item was delayed until later in the meeting.

Received Update from SP Plus Regarding Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Replacement of the Parking Access Revenue Control System (PARCS):
Mr. Dobberstein introduced Mr. Brad McAllister and Mr. Tom Strasshofer, SP Plus, joining the meeting via zoom.
Mr. McAllister was recognized and stated Mr. Strasshofer will be managing the RFP process for the replacement of the PARCS. He gave an update on the status of the RFP. He stated the RFP was provided to Mr. Dobberstein and Attorney Bossart and they have reviewed it and made some comments. He stated adjustments have been made and we will be adding federal requirements in
order for the project to possibly be eligible for CARES funding. He stated they should have the final document available for the board members’ approval later today.
Mr. McAllister stated the RFP is being developed by SP Plus but managed on behalf of the MAA. He stated SP Plus will collect the proposals, review system vendor qualifications and compliance, and evaluate the vendors and prepare a vendor evaluation comparison. He stated they will also provide a recommendation to the MAA board. He added they will be looking for a vendor who will qualify for the Buy American Act so the project could qualify for CARES funding.
Mr. McAllister stated they are going to be looking for equipment with contactless features and with proven success in the climate and elements present in Fargo. He stated the plan is to have the system have the ability to integrate with their resource management system which provides a lot more automation to the site and support to the lanes via an intercom system to a call center in Austin, TX.
Mr. McAllister stated once the RFP has been approved by the MAA it will be advertised for 21 days and after proposals are received there will be a two-week evaluation period and then be sent to the MAA to make the selection.
Chairman Lind asked the timeline once the project is awarded.
Mr. Strasshofer was recognized and stated from the time of award they anticipate 17 weeks (three to four months). He stated the biggest part is the lead time on equipment. He stated sometimes vendors can get equipment in 3-6 weeks, sometimes it can take 8-12 weeks, which is part of the 17-week time estimate.
Mr. Dobberstein stated we will advertise the request in The Forum, post it on our website and also place it in the QuestCDN (builder’s exchange), so anyone in the country will have access to the request. He stated the goal would be to start advertising Wednesday, April 21.

Received Update Regarding SP Plus/MAG Subcontract for Dynamic Pricing:
Mr. Dobberstein stated Attorney Bossart just received the final copy of the subcontract between SP Plus and MAG. He added that the MAA is not a party to the subcontract.
Attorney Bossart stated she and Mr. Dobberstein had a conference call with the other two parties and we did add a short amendment to 7.10 regarding data that makes it clear the data is owned by the MAA, so with that change she is good with the subcontract.

Mr. Dobberstein stated per Attorney Bossart’s review and concurrence, SP Plus and MAG can go ahead and sign their agreement and start the process to implement the Dynamic Pricing Program.

Discussed Parking Exit Booth Replacement and Exit Lane Plaza Concept:
Mr. Dobberstein stated originally the exit booth replacement was going to be part of the equipment replacement but it has now been split out since there is more involved with the booth replacement and the entire exit plaza concept that it should be a separate project.
Mr. Brad McAllister, SP Plus, was recognized (via zoom) and stated the existing exit booths are original to the parking lot and have gone beyond their useful life. He stated they have spent quite a bit of money in the past years making repairs to the booths and it is time to replace them. He stated the existing booths do not comply with any ADA requirements.
Mr. McAllister stated they are proposing two options, either replace the booths with a similar modular facility but that option is costly and probably not as suited for the climate as is needed. He stated in order to comply with ADA requirements the facilities are going to have to be larger than the existing structures. He stated a second option would be a brick and mortar option with an exit lane plaza with new construction from the ground up which may be cheaper than purchasing the modular booths. He stated they would like to see one primary facility for the office, restroom, storage and cashier position. He stated they would also recommend an additional booth with a cashier position as well as an express lane with automated checkout. He stated they also feel there should be the automated checkout at every lane, even those with cashiers. He added that we can also add some digital signage to the canopy.
Mr. McAllister stated we have discussed a canopy design option which seems to be a trend in the industry. He stated it gives the customer a better experience as they exit the facility. He presented two examples and asked for input from the board members.
Mr. Dobberstein stated Mead & Hunt can partner with TL Stroh Architects and SP Plus on this project and come back to the board with recommendations. He added that we do not yet know what funding will be available for the project.
Chairman Lind stated he would like to see a canopy but does not want to give a cheap image. He stated the option that looks like a gas station is not the image he would like for the airport. He added this will be the last thing people see as they leave the airport.
Ms. Linn stated she thinks it is time for these upgrades and she likes the idea of a canopy.
Mr. Dobberstein stated there is still a lot of discovery as far as building codes (mechanical, electrical, etc.).
Mr. Kapitan asked if the architecture will blend in with the rest of the buildings.
Mr. Dobberstein stated that would certainly be the plan.
Mr. Cosgriff asked if we are building for the future or toward the past. He stated the old standard, pull up and pay for parking is going to cashless. He stated he wants to make sure we are not putting up a structure for an old system.
Mr. Dobberstein stated his initial thought was to have just one manned booth and the other exit lanes automated, but in talking with the SP Plus representatives, they would like to have a staffed option on the middle lane when we have busier times.
Mr. McAllister stated all of the lanes will have touchless entrance and pay options.
Mr. Dobberstein stated he agrees we want this as automated and futuristic as possible.
Ms. Linn moved to direct Mead & Hunt to work with TL Stroh Architects and SP Plus to come up with a proposal for a design contract for the exit booth replacement and exit lane plaza concept.
Second by Mr. Kapitan.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Discussed Parking Lot Expansion Project:
Mr. Dobberstein stated with traffic coming back we need to look at some options for additional surface parking. He stated prior to the pandemic, we set aside the far northeast portion of the employee parking lot and also the grass area south of the control tower for overflow parking during peak season. He stated even with the pandemic we saw our lots full January-March and expect travel to be increasing and feel we will be looking at a parking shortage for peak season 2022.
Mr. Dobberstein stated Mead & Hunt has updated their parking projection graph showing when we reach certain thresholds and what action that would trigger.
Mr. Brad McAllister, SP Plus, was recognized (via zoom) and stated he worked with Mr. Jeff Klein on providing data for the updated graph.
Mr. Jeff Klein, Mead & Hunt, was recognized and stated this graph was first developed in 2014. He stated it shows historical data on peak parking demands back to 2005 and he reviewed the graph.
Mr. Dobberstein stated there are a lot of variables to consider, but he is looking to SP Plus to give us some idea of what we will need as far as additional surface parking.
Mr. McAllister stated a lot of it is dependent on recovery. He stated business travel seems to be slower to return but he feels overall, we are going to see travel come back like the floodgates are going to open. He stated prior to the pandemic we were filling up the lots and parking cars in the overflow areas. He stated we were fortunate in that the customers using those overflow areas were good about returning to the booths to pay for their parking. He stated he thinks we are again going to reach capacity during those peak times so it is a good time to be looking at expansion. He stated of the areas considered the optimal seemed to be the grass area south of the tower which was used for overflow. He stated they would recommend that area before expansion south of the crossover road. He added the expanded lots would have the automated equipment which is currently in the
Economy Lot.
Mr. Dobberstein stated the equipment for the expanded lot would be included as an alternate in the RFP for the Parking Access Revenue Control System which could be accepted if the board decides to move ahead with expansion. He stated the lot would have guardrail just like the Economy Lot. He stated we would look at this as a seasonal economy lot for now.
Mr. Klein stated everyone feels the indicators are there for traffic to come back. He stated they can adjust the graph using the data point from 2019 rather than the low point in 2020.
Ms. Linn stated in these discussions we don’t want to leave out the shuttle bus service, which she felt was so important for passengers.
Mr. McAllister stated that will definitely be included in the discussions.
Chairman Lind asked Mr. McAllister for his thoughts on how much we should grow.
Mr. McAllister stated he agrees with Mr. Dobberstein and Mr. Klein that around 250-300 spaces would be good. He stated even in our most recent peak parking year (2019) we did not completely fill the overflow spaces. He added that there are things airports do to make use of overflow space during non-peak times.
Mr. Cosgriff stated part of the discussion on parking should always include an option for a parking structure. He stated they are never going to compete with the cost of a surface parking lot but the history of parking is that you build parking lots until you run out of surface area and then you go back and try to fit in structures. He stated you are never going to justify it from a cost standpoint but the more we pave flat ground for our cars the more load we put on infrastructure and environmental concerns. He stated the final aspect of it is the impact of autonomous vehicles.
Ms. Linn stated we can keep looking at a parking structure, but the 25-year bonding analysis that was done on a possible parking structure in the recent past still had us $10 million in debt after 25 years. She stated that is why our parking surveys are so critical because they give us an understanding of what our customers want.
Mr. Casey Lindquist, FAA Control Tower Manager, was recognized (via zoom) and stated he has some concern about the location south of the tower and its close proximity for the public near the fence and security issues.
Chairman Lind stated he does not favor the lot south of the crossover road but he also has concerns about pedestrians walking from the lot south of the tower to the terminal building.
Mr. Engen stated since we are going to be required to replace the entry and exit equipment and booths, as well as additional parking, it may be time for a more comprehensive review of that possibly being incorporated into a structure as well. He stated we should bring that all into one project as a consideration. He stated we have great engineers and architects we work with and a little bit of time and effort may be worth their consideration.
Chairman Lind stated he likes moving the exit to the south and recapturing some of those spaces in the existing location.
Mr. Dobberstein stated if we want construction on a parking lot to take place this year we need to get an engineer moving on plans and specs. The contractors’ construction schedules fill up quickly. He stated they would need to put together a contract for design services up to the point where it would go to bid. He stated the longer you delay the longer it is going to take and the more it will cost.
Ms. Linn moved to get the construction discussion going with the engineer.
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Presentation by Hays Companies on Behalf of the North Dakota Public Health Insurance Trust:
Mr. Dobberstein stated Mr. Randy Johnson, Hays Companies, is joining the meeting (via zoom) to present information on the North Dakota Public Health Insurance Trust which is being managed by Hays Companies. He stated there are a number of political subdivisions (3,000 employees) currently participating in this trust which started January 1, 2021. He stated this appears to be a viable option for us in terms of health insurance and possibly other benefits as we transition away from the City of Fargo.
Mr. Randy Johnson, Hays Company, was recognized, and gave a history of the creation of the NDPHIT. He stated the trust was designed to create premium stability, as well as more choices and plan flexibility for public school districts and political subdivisions. He stated the program is administered through an agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. He added that any surpluses
or balances are owned by the members.
Mr. Johnson stated he stated they also have the flexibility of allowing groups to keep their same plans which were grandfathered prior to 2010.
Mr. Johnson stated if the plan were to start in January, enrollment would take place in November. He stated there would be a three-week window for election and enrollment.
Mr. Dobberstein asked what would be the deadline for information to be provided on claims history for employees.
Mr. Johnson stated a letter of access would need to be initiated by the MAA no later than August. He stated this letter authorizes BCBS to release employee claims information to Hays.
Mr. Dobberstein stated he would like the MAA today to approve enrollment in the NDPHIT as we don’t really have any other options for affordable health insurance. He added that the Grand Forks and Dickinson airports are enrolled in this trust. He stated we would be looking at the same plan design for at least the first year and then look at options for employees after the first year.
Mr. Cosgriff stated as we transition away from the COF we need to be careful that we are not defaulting to the COF but that we are deciding the benefit package for the MAA employees should be and not just mirroring the COF benefits. He stated he understands the need to move quickly but as we make one decision are we precluding other decisions.
Mr. Dobberstein stated at our next meeting we will be receiving proposals from Professional Employment Organizations and once that firm has been selected and they may also offer benefits offered by NDPHIT. He stated the health insurance is a given since we don’t really have any other options.
Mr. Johnson stated the trust is a mechanism with benefits and they could do a side by side comparison of benefits and they would encourage having that done.
Mr. Engen stated one of the items that needs immediate attention is the release of employee claims history to NDPHIT.
Mr. Engen moved to incorporate the information gathering process into the timeline (Transition Plan) and once that is approved then subject to that approval it would be concurrent.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Received and Approved Proposed Contract from Mead & Hunt for Phase I Airport Property Environmental Clearance Review for Future Project Development Areas:
The proposed contract from Mead & Hunt dated April 8, 2021, was received and filed without objection.
Mr. Dobberstein stated Mead & Hunt is proposing to provide environmental services for a Property Environmental Clearance proposal for future projects at a cost of $121,655.00. He stated the areas to be covered in this project have been updated since the presentation at the last meeting.
Mr. Engen moved to approve the proposed contract and allow Mead & Hunt to start the process.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
The motion was declared carried.

Received and Approved Proposed Contract from Mead & Hunt for Update to 49 CFR Part, 26, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program:
The draft Exhibit A Work Scope, Consultant Services, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, 49 CFR Part 26 dated March 23, 2021, from Mead & Hunt, was received without objection.
Ms. Linn moved to approve the contract with Mead & Hunt for consultant services to update the DBE Program, 49 CFR Part 26, for a cost of $14,509.00.
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.
Received and Approved Proposal from Obernel Engineering to Study Passenger Terminal HVAC System Improvements to Mitigate Pathogen Transmission:
The Letter of Agreement dated March 31, 2021, from Obernel Engineering for a Pathogen HVAC System Mitigation Study was received without objection.
Mr. Kapitan moved to approve the Pathogen HVAC System Mitigation Study in the terminal building for a cost of $5,000.
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Continued Discussion Regarding Updated Purchasing Policy:
Attorney Bossart reported she is continuing to work on researching other comparable purchasing policies and will also be consulting with the FAA for guidance on a draft policy for the MAA.

Received Update on Airport Property Sale to Mathern:
Attorney Bossart reported that she has now received the abstract for the property and found no issues after her review. She stated the purchase agreement calls for a Quit Claim Deed and she will get the purchase agreement signed by the Matherns.

Authorized Purchase of ARFF Mask Testing Equipment:
This item was tabled.

Received Communication from Dr. Clif Hamilton Regarding North GA Hangar Ground Lease Extension:
The communication from Dr. Clif Hamilton dated March 30, 2021 requesting a month to month extension of the NGA hangar lease was received without objection.
Mr. Engen moved to approve the month to month extension of the hangar ground lease requested by Dr. Clif Hamilton, for a term not to exceed one year.
Second by Mr. Kapitan.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.
Received Communication from 1954 Investments/Men’s Hair House, Regarding Lease Extension for Eastside Terminal Office:
The communication dated April 8, 2021, from Troy Rinehardt, 1954 Investments, requesting a two-year extension to their lease with a one-year option was received without objection.
Ms. Linn moved to approve the two-year extension with a one-year option requested by 1954 Investments (Men’s Hair House).
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Received and Approved Internal Operations Transition Plan:
The updated internal operations transition plan presented by Mr. Dobberstein was received without objection.
Ms. Linn moved to approve the Transition Plan as presented.
Second by Mr. Kapitan.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

APEC Update:
Ms. Linn was recognized and stated the Airport Position Evaluation Committee has been working on the last group of job descriptions and DBMs for those positions. She stated the APEC has another meeting next week and should complete the process for all airport positions.

Discussed Airport Internship Program:
The North Dakota Aeronautics Commission Airport Intern Policy was received without objection.
Mr. Kapitan moved to approve pursuing an internship for an interested candidate.
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

March 2021 Passenger Report:
The March 2021 Passenger Report was received and filed without objection.
Received Change Order #1 to O’Day Equipment for an Increase of $5,123.00 for New Fuel System Conduit, SRE Building:
Mr. Engen moved to approve Change Order #1 to O’Day Equipment for an increase of $5,123.00 for the new fuel system.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Kapitan, Engen, Cosgriff, Linn, Lind voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Airport Construction and Security Update:
Mr. Terry Stroh, TL Stroh Architects, was recognized (via zoom) and gave an update on the SRE Building Project.

Other Business:
Chairman Lind congratulated Mr. Jim Sweeney and Fargo Jet Center for being ranked as a top aviation service company in the 2021 Aviation International News FBO Survey for a tenth year.
Chairman Lind welcomed the newest member of the Airport Authority, Mr. Jim Kapitan.
The meeting was adjourned until the next Regular Meeting to be held Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 8:00 a.m.
Time at adjournment was 10:00 a.m.