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Arts & Culture Commission - October 20, 2021 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

The Arts and Culture Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Deb Williams, Tracy Jordre, Jon Offutt, Tracy Walvatne, Denise Kolpack, Joe Williams, Ann Arbor Miller, Brad Bachmeier

Absent: Monika Browne-Ecker

Chair Jordre called the meeting to order and welcomed Members to the meeting.

Item 1: Order of Agenda
Member D. Williams moved to approve the Order of Agenda. Second by Member Miller. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of July 21, 2021
Member J. Williams moved the Minutes of the July 21, 2021 Arts and Culture Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Offutt. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Public Comment
Resident Christopher Coen shared on Agenda Item 6b regarding conflict of interest. Chair Jordre stated more time will be provided after staff’s presentation on this item.

Item 4: Subcommittee Reports
a. Fargo School District Project (Neighborhood working group)
Member D. Williams shared that work is being done with the Visual Arts Curriculum Creator of Fargo Public Schools regarding a grant form for schools interested in participating. She also noted they are hoping to have student art work created though this project on display during a future show.

b. Communication plan (Development working group)
Chair Jordre shared feedback received from developers and the need to take the conversation deeper to bring more information forward.

c. Call for Artists (Capacity working group)
Member Offutt shared that the Arts for the Holidays event is moving forward.

Item 5: Project Updates
a. Kresge Project – Art of Belonging
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield shared that work is being done on timelines and next steps, and more information should be available for Board Members in the upcoming weeks.

Robin Litke Sall, Fargo Cass Public Health, gave a brief presentation on an International Overdose Awareness Day mural that was completed on south wall of the Harm Reduction Center at 510 5th Street North. She noted the artist Kim Jore donated the mural.

b. City Hall Curating
Ms. Crutchfield shared an update on a proposal to be part of the Art Works curating Program and noted starting on the first floor of City Hall an installation should be happening this winter and continuing with quarterly transitions of displays.

c. Arts for the Holidays
Member Offutt shared that the event will be held on December 11 and over 40 artists will be participating.

Item 6: Staff Updates
a. Staffing update
Ms. Crutchfield shared that Planning Coordinator Maegin Elshaug is back on staff with the City of Fargo Planning Department.

b. Conflict of Interest
Ms. Crutchfield noted a memo was distributed to the Board Members containing the City Attorney’s opinion regarding the relationship with The Arts Partnership and Arts & Culture Commission Members, in particular Members who may be part of an organization who is part of The Arts Partnership.

Resident Christopher Coen spoke on the appearance of conflict of interest and public perception.

Ms. Crutchfield provided clarification that The Arts Partnership has a grant program that works with organizations and not directly with individual artists. Discussion was held clarifying that City of Fargo funds to The Arts Partnership are granted to organizations.

City Commissioner John Strand shared that the Arts & Culture Commission will have a new avenue of funding for 2022 through a pilot study of public funds and he looks forward to seeing what they come up with and more discussion to come on a future agenda.

Item 7: Adjourn – Next Meeting: November 17, 2021
The time at adjournment was 5:41 p.m.