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Tax Exempt Review Committee - October 24, 2023 Minutes

Joint Meeting with COF Commission
Fargo, North Dakota

Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The September meeting of the Economic and Development Incentive Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

The committee members present or absent are:

Members Present: Dave Piepkorn, John Cosgriff, Mayor Mahoney, Lucas Paper, Jon Eisert and Eric Barner

Other Commissioners Present: John Strand, Denise Kolpack

Members Absent: Jessica Ebeling

Others Present: Jackie Gapp, Jim Gilmour, Michael Splonskowski, Levi Bachmeier

Commissioner Piepkorn called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes Approved

A motion was made by John Cosgriff to approve the minutes from August 22, 2023. Mayor Mahoney seconded. Motion carries.

Report and Review of Property Tax Exemptions- Joint Meeting with City Commission

• There are 8 types of Property Tax Incentives
o Primary Sector jobs (new Industry or PILOT)
o Housing in Core Neighborhoods and NDSU Area (PILOT)
o Downtown Housing and Other Projects (PILOT)
o Renewal Plans (TIF)
o Affordable Housing (PILOT)
o New Single-Family Housing
o Remodeling and Building Additions
o Day Care
• Jim Gilmour talked about expired exemptions. Mayor Mahoney stated that they need to monitor what companies are doing, what they are saying, and how many jobs were created.
• Primary Sector Job Creation
o John Strand commented that maybe there should be incentive for hires due to jobs not be filled in the area. He also stated that the minimum wage should be raised.
• Dakota Beach Housing
• Downtown Redevelopment Projects and Pilots
• Renewal Plans
• TIF Districts
• Affordable Housing
o Fargo Housing Authority and Beyond Shelter available sites
o John Strand commented that there should be inclusionary housing and that the committee should learn about what other cities have done.
o Example: Milton Senior Housing
• Growth Plan

The meeting was adjourned at 2:02pm.