
Native American Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Native American Commission - February 7, 2019 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, February 7, 2019.

The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Sharon White Bear, Anna Johnson, Lenore King, Rebecca Knutson (via conference call), Whitney Fear,
Heather Keeler-Johnson

Absent: Guy Fox, Chalsey Snyder, John Strand

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair White Bear welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Induction of New Member: CONTINUED TO MARCH 7, 2019
Chair White Bear welcomed new Board Member Heather Keeler-Johnson. She stated due to weather conditions and Board member absences, the formal welcome ceremony for Member Keeler-Johnson will be held at the March 7, 2019 meeting.

Item 3. Approve Order of Agenda & Minutes
Chair White Bear noted the following Agenda items:
- Item 5 is removed from the agenda due to the absence of the presenter.

Member Fear moved the Order of Agenda and the minutes of the January 3, 2019 Native American Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Johnson. On call of the roll Members Fear, Johnson, Keeler-Johnson, King, Knutson, and White Bear voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Fox, Snyder, and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Item 4: Recognize Woman of the Year, Whitney Fear: CONTINUED TO MARCH 7, 2019

Item 5. Presentation: Greg Lemke, Rape & Abuse Crisis Center: CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE

Item 6. Sponsorship Request: MMIW Event
Chair White Bear referred to an application received from the Missing Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). She stated the requested amount of $700.00 is for an event scheduled on February 14, 2019.

Amanda Vivier, MMIW Task Force Member and Director of the Native American Christian Ministry, presented an overview of the scheduled events for the day that will include a rally march in the downtown area, speakers, and food.

The Board further discussed what amount had been allocated in the 2019 budget for this event.

Assistant Planner Catlyn Christie clarified that since the 2019 budget has not been approved, the Board can make a motion to approve the requested amount.

Member Johnson moved to approve the requested amount of $700.00 for this event. Second by Member King. On call of the roll Members King, Johnson, Keeler-Johnson, Fear, Knutson, and White Bear voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Fox, Snyder, and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Item 7. Sponsorship Request: Woodlands and High Plains Powwow: APPROVED
Chair White Bear presented this sponsorship request that was included in the packet.

Member Fear moved to approve the requested amount of $1,000.00 for this event. Second by Member King. On call of the roll Members Knutson, Johnson, Keeler-Johnson, Fear, King, and White Bear voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Fox, Snyder, and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Item 8. 2019 Strategic Planning
Chair White Bear introduced this item. She stated upon submission of a Request for Quotes by the City, Maylynn Warne has been selected as the Strategic Planning Facilitator for this project.

Ms. Warne joined the conversation via telephone and suggested she meet with the Board’s Executive Committee to discuss the logistics, and to narrow down the questions and areas the Board would like to focus on. She talked about interviews and a survey process she will use to gather information, and requested copies of the following items: a list of the Boards members and emails; agendas and minutes for the last four Board meetings; a list of the past years events; copies of last year’s budget and this years proposed budget; and the current by-laws.

Planning Director Nicole Crutchfield stated staff will gather and provide this information.

Ms. Christie stated she will contact the Board and staff with the date and time of the scheduled meetings with Ms. Warne.

Item 9. Public Comment
No public comment was given.

Item 10. Announcements
Member King shared an updated with the Board on the New Year’s Eve Powwow that was rescheduled and held on January 12, 2019.

Item 11. Staff Report
No staff reports were given.

Item 12. Next Meeting – March 7, 2019

Item 13. Adjourn
The time of adjournment was 12:23 p.m.