
Native American Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Native American Commission - May 2, 2019 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, May 2, 2019.

The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Sharon White Bear, Guy Fox, Lenore King, Rebecca Knutson,
Chalsey Snyder, Whitney Fear, Heather Keeler

Absent: John Strand, Anna Johnson

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair White Bear welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Prayer
Chair White Bear led the Board in Prayer.

Item 3. Approve Order of Agenda & Minutes
Chair White Bear stated she would like to add a presentation to the Agenda after Item 3 from the Recovery Alliance.

Member Fox moved the Order of Agenda be approved with the addition of a presentation from Recovery Alliance added after Item 3. Second by Knutson. On call of the roll Members Fear, Fox, Keeler, King, Knutson, and White Bear voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Johnson, Snyder, and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Member Fear moved the minutes of the March 7, 2019 Native American Commission meeting be approved. Second by King. Members Fear, Fox, Keeler, King, Knutson, and White Bear voted aye. Absent and not voting: Members Johnson, Snyder, and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Recovery Alliance Presentation
Director of the Lost and Found Recovery Center, Jann Johnson, and Executive Director of the Lotus Center, Sarah Chatelain-Gress, provided a handout to the Board and gave a presentation on the Recovery Alliance. They shared their mission to create a Recovery-Friendly Community and connecting to the community-at-large.

They noted upcoming meetings to be held May 8 June 12, and July 10.

Ms. Johnson and Ms. Chatelain-Gress stated the meetings are a round-table discussion of brainstorming ideas and building community connections. They noted the importance of identifying needs to be served, forming connections in the community, breaking down barriers, and discussing issues to change the stigma and perception of addiction recovery.

Discussion was held regarding goals to bring more medical field and education field partners to the table, and the current agencies that have attended past meetings.

Member Snyder present.

Item 4: Current Expenditures Update
This item was not heard.

Item 5. Sponsorship Requests
a. MNIBA/FMC Lunch and Learn Event
Member Snyder gave a brief overview of the event to be held June 22 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. at Island Park.

Member Fear moved to approve the requested amount of $500.00 for this event. Second by Member King. On call of the roll Members Fox, Knutson, Keeler, King, Fear, and White Bear voted aye. Member Snyder abstained from voting. Absent and not voting: Members Johnson and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

b. MNIBA/FMC “Trading at the Red River” Indigenous Marketplace
Member Snyder provided a summary of the event to be held the same day as the Lunch and Learn Event, June 22, from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m., also at Island Park.

Discussion was held regarding the verification of Native vendors, the importance of buying Native-made products, and what that means as a larger conversation.

Member Knutson moved to approve the requested amount of $1000.00 for this event. Second by Member Keeler. On call of the roll Members Keeler, Fear, Fox, King, Knutson, and White Bear voted aye. Member Snyder abstained from voting. Absent and not voting: Members Johnson and Strand. The motion was declared carried.

Item 6. Fargo Marathon Update – Saturday, May 16, 2019
The Board discussed the upcoming event and coordinating details.

Member Fox stated it would be beneficial to establish procedures and processes for events, so any member can step in and assist in future years.

Item 7. Public Comment
No public comment was given.

Item 8. Announcements
Chair White Bear encouraged Board Members and the community to come out along the Fargo Marathon route on May 18.

Member Snyder provide an update on behalf of the education committee. She noted she attended the public hearing for the Fargo/West Fargo Indian Education and provided an overview of the meeting.

Member Knutson noted she also attended one the meetings for Fargo/West Fargo Indian Education and that statistics were shared grading graduation rates for overall and specific populations. She shared that the contact for Indian Public Education is on the Fargo Public Schools website and she would be willing to coordinate a presentation for the Native American Commission.

Member Keeler shared that a graduation picnic will be held on May 22 at Gooseberry Park from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. to celebrate area graduates.

Member Keeler also shared that Moorhead Schools conducted Education Equity Talking Circles. She noted these are turning into a Google survey option for families in the Moorhead School District to provide their voice on how to increase education equity.

Member Fear shared that Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s (MMIW) Remembrance Day is May 5, and encouraged all to wear red that day.

Chair White Bear noted that information and event details should be added to the Native American Commission website and Facebook page.

Chair White Bear shared that strategic planning is moving forward and encouraged all Members to do their best to be present. She noted that meeting date would be set soon.

Item 9. Staff Report
No staff report was given.

Item 10. Next Meeting – June 6, 2019

Item 11. Adjourn
The time of adjournment was 12:42 p.m.