
Far More is Happening Here

Planning & Development Hero

Fair Housing: It's Your Right

Your legal rights include the right to fair housing. Fair housing laws state that discrimination in the sale or rental of housing is illegal. In North Dakota, the classes that are protected by state law include:

  • Race
  • Sex
  • Age (40 years of age or over)
  • National Orgin
  • Receipt of Public Assistance
  • Disability
  • Religion
  • Color
  • Marital Status
  • Presence of Children (under the age of 18)
  • Being Pregnant
  • Securing Custody of a Minor
  • Status as a Victim of Domestic Violence in Certain Circumstances

Who to Contact

The North Dakota Department of Labor and Human Rights is responsible for enforcing the North Dakota Human Rights Act (Chapter 14-02.4) and the North Dakota Housing Discrimination Act (Chapter 14-02.5). This responsibility includes investigating complaints alleging discriminatory practices, educating the public about human rights laws, and studying the nature and extent of discrimination in North Dakota.

A complaint of discrimination may be filed by contacting the North Dakota Department of Labor and Human Rights at 1.800.582.8032 or TTY (Relay ND) 1.800.366.6888 or by email.