
Human Relations Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Human Relations Commission Meeting Minutes - November 18, 2021

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Human Relations Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, November 18, 2021.

The Human Relations Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Cheryl Schaefle, Matuor Alier, Barry Nelson, Cody Severson, Carolyn Becraft, Jed Locquiao, Sarah Boonstoppel

Absent: Nancy Boyle, Abdiwali Sharif-Abdinasir, Hamida Dakane, Ahmed Shiil

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair Alier welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda
Member Nelson moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Becraft. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Approve Order of Minutes
Member Becraft moved the minutes of the October 21, 2021 Human Relations Commission meeting be approved as presented. Second by Member Schaefle. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 4. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.

Item 5. Announcements
Member Nelson shared that a training will be this evening at the Synagogue hosted by Welcome Connection focused on the theme of organizing and any interested can contact Member Nelson.

Fargo Police Sgt. Cristie Jacobsen noted that she emailed commissioners that applications are being accepted for the Summer Fargo Police Academy, and encouraged member to pass the information along.

Item 6. Staff Updates
No Staff updates were provided.

Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield noted that Planning staff is working closely with Dr. Terry Hogan, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, on the transition of the Human Relations Commission.

Item 7. Adjourn to Work Session
The time at adjournment was 12:07 p.m.