
Far More is Happening Here

Emergency Management Hero

Natural gas emergencies

You can help prevent natural gas emergencies by calling the locator service (North Dakota: 1.800.795.0555 before you dig on your property. This will help you avoid hitting gas lines.

If you smell gas outdoors, move away from the area until you no longer smell the gas and call 9-1-1. Do not return to the area until authorities tell you it is safe to do so.

If you smell gas indoors, get outside immediately, leaving doors open to help ventilate the building. Do not use light switches, electrical appliances or phones (cell or land line) in the affected home or building. Extinguish cigarettes and do not light matches.

Get to a safe distance from the home and call 9-1-1. Do not return to the area until appropriate authorities tell you it is safe to do so.