
Far More is Happening Here

Fargo Cass Public Health Hero Image

Tobacco Lending Library

These items are available for use in a classroom or group-style education setting. There is no fee to use them and they may be reserved by calling 701.241.8576.

Health Effects of Smoking

  • Smoked Lung Model (Illustrates lung cancer & emphysema)
  • Giant Harry's Scary Tongue (Illustrates hairy tongue)
  • Lou Wheeze (Inflatable mock lungs)
  • Effects and Hazards of Secondhand Smoke (4-fold Display)
  • Smoker's Roulette (Game depicting diseases from smoking)
  • Smokey Eyes Goggles (Simulates vision problems)
  • Big Trouble In a Smoker's Lungs (3D display)
  • Lung Pathologies Model
  • Tobacco Institute Hall of Shame Board

Cigarette Ingredients

  • Large Cigarette Ingredient Model (Displays harmful substances in cigarettes)
  • Tar Jar (Illustrates the amount of tar deposited in lungs from smoking one pack of cigarettes each day for a year)
  • Tarlboro Mock Cigarette Pack (Illustrates the amount of tar deposited in lungs from smoking one pack of cigarettes)
  • A Closer Look at Tobacco (Illustrates different types of tobacco in enclosed display case)
  • Tube of Toxins (Illustrates dangers of chemicals in cigarettes)
  • What's Your Poison? (Display board with descriptions of dangers chemicals in cigarettes)

Smokeless/Chewing Tobacco

  • Teeth in Tobacco Juice (Illustrates effects on teeth)
  • Mr. Gross Mouth (Illustrates effects on teeth and mouth)
  • Mr. Dip Lip (Illustrates effects on mouth and lips)
  • Giant Snuff Can (Large mock chewing tobacco tin with facts)
  • Smokeless Tobacco Display Board (Graphic images of effects of smokeless tobacco, 4-fold display board)
  • Effects & Hazards of Smokeless Tobacco (Display board)
  • Consequences of Smokeless Use (Illustrates dangers of smokeless tobacco)