
Far More is Happening Here

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Welcome to the Public Works Services Tracker

This web portal provides a visual display of different services provided by the Public Works Department. The services shown will change with the seasons of the year: Street Sweeping, Forestry Brush Pickup, and Snow Plowing.

  • Street Sweeping: Street sweeping removes debris from the roadway and is a first line of defense for storm sewer cleaning. This service begins after the spring thaw and continues through the fall for leaf pickup. Sweeping zones are swept during the work day and night sweeping is performed for the primary routes and night parking restriction areas.
  • Curbside Brush Pickup: The brush recycling program reduces the amount of tree debris going into the landfill. This service is provided from May 1st to October 31st each year. Crews will pick up brush from the boulevard every two weeks on the garbage day of the recycling route for the street.
  • Snow Plowing: Crews work around the clock to plow snow during a snow event. The goal is to plow all streets within 24 hours after the snowfall ends.

Navigating the Services Tracker

The web portal opens to a disclaimer, please read the disclaimer and click the "Accept" button to continue to the service. A map of the Fargo area will be shown. In the lower left corner, there is a selection of the service maps available. These are based on the services currently being tracked. In the lower right corner, the legend displays a definition of each color shown on the map. A street can be selected by clicking on the location and a detailed view is shown for the service.

Click to proceed to Services Tracker.