
Far More is Happening Here

landfill - solid waste

History and Details

Landfill Gas Renewable Energy

Landfill Gas
In 2002, the landfill installed its first wellfield consisting of 20 wells which provided a withdrawal capacity of approximately 600 cubic feet per minute (cfm). Since 2002, the captured gas has been sold to an offsite industrial company for their use as an alternative fuel. The landfill has continued to expand in size and the amount of gas being produced has increased similarly, with four phases of expansion since 2002. The current wellfield consists of 62 gas wells, which provide a total withdrawal capacity of approximately 1,300 cfm.

In 2018, the City of Fargo began upgrading its landfill gas (LFG) compressor and adding landfill gas conditioning equipment by replacing two existing compressors and installing new moisture removal systems, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and siloxane treatment systems. Upgrades to existing equipment greatly increases the landfill gas quality for the various end uses. Landfill gas is currently generated at a rate of approximately 1,400 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM). The current end users and quantities of the LFG are as follows:

• Landfill Generator – 260 SCFM
• Transfer Station Boiler – 70 SCFM
• Offsite Industrial Use – 600-800 SCFM

In addition to the LFG users listed above, The City of Fargo has entertained installing a compressed natural gas (CNG) facility to fuel City vehicles. It is anticipated that the future CNG facility would have a capacity of approximately 400 SCFM.

Treatment of the LFG for moisture removal is required for all end users. Siloxane and H2S treatment would be required for the landfill generator, landfill boiler and the CNG supply. The offsite industrial company currently only requires moisture removal of the LFG. In addition to the LFG compression upgrade and treatment systems, the existing enclosed flare was replaced as part of this project.

Carbon Credits & Funding
In March 2007, the City began investigating the voluntary carbon credit market that might provide an opportunity to receive value from the destruction of its landfill gas. Since the landfill was not required to collect gas (by regulation), the City was potentially eligible to sell or trade the credits. Accordingly, the City began investigating available carbon markets to determine what financial opportunities existed. The first market pursued was the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). To become a member of the CCX, three basis steps were involved:

• Third party verification of carbon destruction (approved CCX verifier)
• CCX application submittal: Third Party Verification Report, Baseline Emissions Report, Valuation of Verified Credits
• CCX approval for membership

On February 28, 2008, the City officially became a voluntary member of the CCX and sold a portion of its historic carbon credits (2003-2007) for approximately $800,000. Unfortunately, the CCX has since dissolved and the voluntary carbon market is no longer available.

Funding for all phases of construction for the landfill gas collection and renewable energy system was through the sale of Clean Renewable Energy Bonds in 2007, Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds in 2015 and City of Fargo Capital Improvement funds. All funding received from the sale or usage of the renewable energy is placed in the annual Solid Waste Division Revenue Fund.

Acronym Key and Definitions

This key defines many of the terms and units of measurement used when discussing the Landfill Renewable Energy.

Landfill Gas Renewable Energy - Flowchart and Overview

See the visual representation of the Landfill Gas Renewable Energy, live stats, interactive calculators and more.