
Far More is Happening Here

Solid Waste Hero Image

Drop Site Acceptable Items


We accept aluminum, tin and metal cans.

We cannot accept scrap metal, nails, tin foil, aerosol cans (if empty, throw out) or paint cans.


We accept all colors of glass bottles and jars. Labels do not need to be removed, however, please remove caps.

We cannot accept ceramics, window glass, Pyrex, or standard light bulbs (fluorescent bulbs should be brought to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility). All colors of glass may be placed together in the same recycling bin for curbside pickup.


We accept plastic bottles tubs and jugs with the #1 through #7 recycling symbol. Please empty, rinse and remove caps before recycling.

We cannot accept plastic bags, shrink wrap, film, styrofoam, pump spray tops, VCR tapes, toys, swimming pools, landscape edging, plastic furniture or electronics. All acceptable plastics may be placed in the same bin for curbside pickup.


We accept corrugated cardboard boxes brown paper bags, beverage containers, shoe boxes, cereal boxes, food boxes, chipboard, and paperboard. All accepted forms of cardboard may be placed in the same bin for curbside pickup.

We cannot accept used pizza boxes, wax-coated cardboard, or boxes from meals in the freezer section

Magazines & Newspapers

We accept magazines, newspapers, catalogs with glossy pages and shoppers (i.e. the Midweek) including their glossy inserts.

We cannot accept catalogs with glued bindings, such as those from department stores or phone books (these are recycled in a special, short-term collection held each year).