
Far More is Happening Here

Levee Floodwall Hero

Floodplain Management

The goal of floodplain management is to protect the interests of the citizens of Fargo by encouraging responsible development in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). Floodplain management activity includes:

  • Administration of the Flood Protection Incentive Program
  • Administration of Community Rating System (CRS)
  • Administration, design and construction of flood protection projects
  • Administration of floodplain development permits
  • Providing flood map information
  • Providing elevation certificates

Planning & Progress

Floodplain Development Permits and the Regulatory Floodplain

The City of Fargo, State of North Dakota and the United States Government have specific rules and requirements regarding development in areas designated as floodplain. This includes, but is not limited to, permanent or temporary construction of structures, levees and earthen fill. Refer to the following resources for further information:

For additional information and guidance on development within the floodplain, contact the City of Fargo Inspections Department via the Contact Information section in the right margin of this page.

For current floodplain information on a home or business, contact the City of Fargo Engineering Department via the Contact Information section in the right margin of this page.

For additional information and resources regarding floodplain management, visit the Floodplain Resources page.