
Far More is Happening Here

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Storm Sewer Utilities

The City of Fargo storm sewer system functions to collect, route and discharge precipitation run-off. Managing surface runoff is challenging in this flat and flood-prone landscape, therefore the City utilizes a complex network of conveyances to successfully and efficiently route storm water into the Red River. Rose Coulee, legal drains, inlets, underground pipes, lift stations, retention ponds and outlets are among the features that make up the City's storm water system.

Storm Sewer System Quick Facts:

  • The system is comprised of more than 510 miles of pipe, ranging in size from 4 to 132-inches in diameter. If all of the City's storm sewer pipe were laid in a straight line, it could stretch from Fargo to Milwaukee.
  • The system contains more than 11,000 inlet structures and more than 9,000 manholes.
  • Due to the extremely flat terrain of the Red River Valley, the City currently operates 81 storm sewer lift stations to help convey storm water throughout the City and into the Red River.
  • Despite the capacity of the extensive network, local and regional retention ponds must be utilized to meet the City's storm water mitigation needs.
  • The storm sewer is completely separate from the sanitary sewer. This separation is critical in that the storm system is not connected to any treatment facilities, thus all water that enters the system is eventually discharged into the Red River untreated.

For more information about the City's Storm Sewer Utilities Division, see the Contact Information section in the right margin of this page.