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Basic Tree Care Services

Listed below are the fundamental services that the City Forestry Department provides. As the seasons change, so do our work activities.

City staff and contractors rotate through areas of town roughly once every seven years. Clearance for streets, sidewalks and signs are routine and ongoing. Also, pruning out dead wood and structurally pruning younger trees is of utmost importance. Our structural pruning program attempts to address trees at a young age to correct defects early in their life. Many of our younger trees are pruned every other year. Submit an online request to have trees pruned or inspected by the Forestry Department.

Trees are commonly removed for various reasons. On a given year we will average 1,000 trees being removed. Submit an online tree removal request or call 701.241.1465 to speak to staff in the Forestry Department.

Planting will typically occur in spring and fall by City staff and contractors. We will try to replace all of the trees removed the previous season and assist property owners establish trees in our new neighborhoods. Roughly 1,000 to 3,000 trees can easily be added to our urban forest every season. Please note that all new plantings require a planting permit, available free of charge from our office. Forestry personnel will inspect the property and mark out the required number of street trees needed. Additionally, a list of approved species will be left at the property as well. Submit a request for a free planting permit.

Dutch Elm Disease Mitigation
In the summer months we send out an inspector or two on the lookout for signs of Dutch Elm Disease on public and private property. Once identified, diseased elm will need to be removed as promptly as possible. If on City property or right-of-way, the City will take care of the diseased tree. If found on private property, it is up the property owner to handle the issue.