
Far More is Happening Here

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Belmont Park Area Flood Risk Reduction Project (Water Treatment Plant)

In an effort to provide permanent flood protection to the Belmont Park neighborhood, the City of Fargo and the consulting firm HDR have developed a flood risk reduction project that will be constructed in three separate phases, with the first phase scheduled to begin in 2017. Previous flood fight efforts within this neighborhood required the construction of emergency sandbag and temporary clay levees, with several properties having already been acquired and removed to allow for the construction of permanent clay levees.

This flood risk reduction project includes residential property acquisitions, earthen levees, storm sewer improvements, storm sewer lift station relocation (near the Lindenwood Park entrance), and protection of the City’s raw water intake structure east of the water treatment plant. Replanting trees that are removed for the levee footprint and the required non-vegetative clear zone will also be included with this project.

A public meeting to present levee alignments and project features was held May 12, 2016, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM at the Fargo Public Library's Community Room. PDF files of the meeting's presentation materials are available for viewing under the Public Meetings section on the right.

Construction Timeline

This flood mitigation project is proposed to be constructed in three phases. A map of the project phasing (PDF) is available for viewing in the right margin of this page (Project Phasing under Project Resources).

The first phase includes the relocation of a storm sewer lift station located on the east side of Lindenwood Drive near Lindenwood Park. The lift station is proposed to be relocated to the west side of Lindenwood Drive and north of 17th Avenue South. This phase of the project is proposed to be bid and constructed in 2017.

The second phase of the project includes easement acquisitions (if necessary) and the acquisition and removal of the residential structures necessary for the project.

The third and final phase of the project includes constructing flood protection around the raw water intake structure that is located to the east of the water treatment plant. Design is currently ongoing with how to protect this structure and tie into the levees on the north and south side.

Once the Belmont Park Area Flood Risk Reduction Project is complete there will be a continuous line of flood protection constructed to the 44’ flood elevation level stretching from Main Avenue south to Lindenwood Drive (as shown on the Line of Protection PDF, link located in the right margin of this page). A section of levee on the east side of 5th Street South commencing at 17th Avenue South and terminating at I-94 that was constructed in 2011 also provides protection to a river stage of 44 feet.

July 24, 2018 Update

Phase One of the Belmont Park Area Flood Risk Reduction Project was completed in May of 2018 with the relocation of the storm sewer lift station at the entrance to Lindenwood Park. A separate demolition project consisting of the removal of three additional homes along the proposed levee alignment was completed in 2017, which will ultimately allow for the remaining phases of the project to commence. There are four remaining homes along South River Drive that to be purchased and removed before Phases Two and Three can be completed.

December 7, 2016 Update

Phase One of construction of the storm sewer lift station will commence in the spring of 2017, while Phase Two will require the acquisition of seven residential properties in order for construction to move forward. The appraisal and negotiation process for these properties is anticipated to occur in 2017, with Phase Two construction stretching into the 2018 season. Phase Three, which includes levee/wall construction and intake modifications, will take place following the completion of Phase Two.