
Far More is Happening Here

El Zagel Hero

El Zagal Flood Control Project

Phase 1 Bid Opening: September 2014

Phase 1 Completion Date: August 2015

Phase 2 Bid Opening: Summer 2015

Phase 2 Completion Date: August 2016

July 24, 2018 Update

The final phase of the El Zagal project was completed in 2017 with the installation of a new sanitary sewer lift station and gatewell and the adjoining earthen levee surrounding the El Zagal Golf Course. During a flood event, the removable floodwall inserts will be installed at the connection point openings to Elm Street on the north and south sides of the project.


The City of Fargo, with assistance from Moore Engineering, developed a flood risk management project around the El Zagal golf course in order to reduce the reliance on temporary protection measures during an emergency flood fight.

When the Red River reaches an approximate stage of 35’, river water overtops the existing embankment on the eastern side of the golf course and floods the bowl. Once this occurs emergency flood fighting activities commence as required around the bowl and protection is constructed to an elevation greater than the projected river crest elevation. In 2009 the City constructed temporary earthen levees along 14th & 15th Avenues North and installed sandbags along the western edge of El Zagal golf course. In 2011 a combination of Aqua Fence, Hesco barriers, sandbags and earthen levees were installed around the bowl to protect Fargo from rising floodwaters.

Phase 1

The first phase of the El Zagal Flood Risk Management Project began in the fall of 2014 with the construction of an earthen levee around the perimeter of the El Zagal golf course club house that ties into the existing concrete floodwall along 15th Avenue North. This earthen levee provides protection to a river elevation of 39.5’ + 4’ of freeboard. The existing floodwall is built to a river elevation of approximately 45’.

Phase 2

The second phase of the El Zagal Flood Risk Management Project was bid in the summer of 2015.  Phase 2 began at the same location as Phase 1 and includes the following:

  • Acquisition & removal of eight residential properties located along 14th Avenue North, Oak Street North & Elm Street North
  • Constructing an earthen levee along 14th Avenue North & Elm Street
  • Constructing a removable closure structure across Elm Street near the entrance to Trefoil Park similar to the removable closure structure located on Elm Street at 15th Avenue North
  • Constructing a new sanitary sewer lift station near the corner of Oak Street & 14th Avenue North

The Fargo Park District coordinated a full redesign of the El Zagal golf course on a separate project (led by the Park District). The golf course was closed in the fall of 2014 and eventually re-opened in 2016.

For additional information regarding this project, a link to the PDF version of the presentation given at the August 13, 2014 public meeting is located in the right margin this page.

Final acceptance of this project was completed in 2017.