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Snow Removal Hero

Resident Responsibilities

Sidewalk Snow Removal

Residents are required to clear all sidewalks adjacent to their property of snow and ice within 24 hours after the end of snowfall. This would also include sidewalks that run through the driveway and crosswalks, where applicable. If snow is not removed from the sidewalk within this time frame, and the property is reported to the Public Works office, the resident will receive a warning from the city. If the sidewalk is not cleared within 24 hours of this warning, the city's snow removal contractor will do the work and the city will bill the property owner accordingly. Visit our Report A Problem page for more information and to request inspection of a specific property.

Make sure to place snow from sidewalks and driveways in your own yard or boulevard. Be aware of visibility issues that may be created if snow is piled on the boulevard; for yourself and/or your neighbors.
Do not place snow in the street; residents or businesses who do so may face a fine of up to $500.

If you are physically unable to clear your sidewalk, you may be eligible for our Snow Removal Assistance Program.

Use caution around snow removal equipment.

Drive carefully around snow removal equipment. Some Fargo streets are too narrow to allow a car and snowplow to pass easily. Pull over or select another route if equipment is traveling down your intended route. Also, remember these tips:

  • Stay back at least 50 feet from all snow removal equipment.
  • Snowplows, graders and loaders may need to back up, turn around, or slow down at any moment while removing snow. Vehicles that are too close or are “tailgating” may not be visible to the driver, which may result in an accident.
  • The sand/salt mixture coming out of the sanding trucks is moving at a rapid speed and covers a span of about 30 feet; damage may result if vehicles are too close. While deflectors on the truck help prevent spraying of passing and oncoming vehicles, damage may occur due to weather, road conditions and traffic speed.